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Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
PowerTCP Sockets For .NET
Company Name:
Dart Communications


Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch):
Description (English): Build your own scalable Internet/Intranet server application in .NET with every connection getting an individual thread. Easy-to-use TCP and UDP components allow for Internet client applications with only a few lines of code and convenient Events. The Ping component enables server verification using ICMP, UDP, and TCP, while the Trace component conducts an asynchronous Trace Route for fast response. The Dns component is not dependent on OS services, allowing for the use of any DNS server. Advanced SegmentedStream technology allows for data to be received up to a specific delimiter or fixed-length, which is ideal for building custom TCP-based protocols.
Beschreibung (Deutsch): Build your own scalable Internet/Intranet server application in .NET with every connection getting an individual thread. Easy-to-use TCP and UDP components allow for Internet client applications with only a few lines of code and convenient Events. The Ping component enables server verification using ICMP, UDP, and TCP, while the Trace component conducts an asynchronous Trace Route for fast response. The Dns component is not dependent on OS services, allowing for the use of any DNS server. Advanced SegmentedStream technology allows for data to be received up to a specific delimiter or fixed-length, which is ideal for building custom TCP-based protocols.
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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